Statutory Consultation Outcome Report

Statutory consultation outcome report

The council has produced their outcome report following the statutory consultation on the proposal to:

alter the qualifying distance for free secondary school mainstream transport to those living over 3 miles from their catchment secondary school. (current entitlement is more than 2 miles).

The report will be available to view by the close of business on Friday 24 May 2024. Secondary school transport – consultation – South Lanarkshire Council.

The next step is that the consultation outcome report will be submitted to the council’s Executive Committee for decision on 26 June 2024.

Education Resources

Floor 13 Almada Street



P1 Enrolment – August 2024

Is your child due to start school in August 2024? 

Parents/carers of children who are five years of age between 1 March 2024 and the end of February 2025 are required to register their child for school.

Parents should use the online form which is available on the SLC website to enrol their child from 8 January 2024.  Your catchment school will then be in touch to discuss your application from 15 January 2024 onwards.