ELC Snack & Lunch Menu

Your child will be offered a snack each morning. Our snack is currently being provided by South Lanarkshire Catering Service. The snack will consist of seasonal fruit  including apples, bananas, tangerines and strawberries. Cornflakes and weetabix are also included in our snack choice menu as is bread, flora and dairylea cheese. Water or milk will be offered as a drink. Your child has access to water throughout the day.

The lunches and snacks provided are based on nutritional requirements in the NHS- https://www.healthscotland.com/uploads/documents/30341-Setting%20the%20Table.pdf

If your child has an allergy to any foods please advise one of our Team Leaders and we will ensure an appropriate snack is available.

All children attending our ELC setting are entitled to a free school lunch. Please click on the link below to view the nursery lunch menu for this term.

Lunch Menu 2024-2025

Children are able to bring their own packed lunch if they would prefer. Please remember to include an ice pack to ensure their food remains chilled.

We are a ‘Nut Free’ school so please take care to check the ingredients of the food you provide for your child. If you have any questions about this please ask a member of staff.

We are often asked about suggestions for what to put in children’s packed lunches.  Please find below a copy of our leaflet containing some ideas.

Lunch Box Ideas Leaflet