Parent Council

Parent Council

The objectives of the Parent Council are:

  • To work in partnership with the school to create a school which is inclusive for all parents/carers.
  • To promote partnership between school, pupils and parents/carers
  • To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of   the pupils.
  • To identify and represent the views of parents/carers and pupils on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils.

Important Information:

The Parent Council meet five times a year, on a Wednesday evening at 7pm.

Minutes of Meetings –

Date of Next Meeting Parents/carers of pupils at Blackwood Primary School are invited to our next meeting on Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Parent Forum

Every parent/carer of a child enrolled in the school is automatically a member of the Parent Forum. Parents/Carers are consulted in various ways including questionnaires and focus groups. Please contact the school if there is anything you wish to raise or discuss.

Please see the following website for further information:

Education Scotland- School Forum

Parent Council Constitution 2024